Fire Protection System

Fire Protection refers to measures taken to prevent fire from becoming destructives, reduce the impact of an uncontrolled fire, and save lives and property.

Fire Protection System

Sprinkler System

A fire sprinkler system is an active fire protection method, consisting of a water supply system, providing adequate pressure and flowrate to a water distribution piping system, onto which fire sprinklers are connected. Although historically only used in factories and large commercial buildings, systems for homes and small buildings are now available at a cost-effective price. Fire sprinkler systems are extensively used worldwide, with over 40 million sprinkler heads fitted each year. Even though Fire Sprinkler Systems are a Life-Saving System and are not designed to protect the building, 96% of buildings that had fires and were completely protected by fire sprinkler systems were controlled by the fire sprinklers alone.

Wet pipe, Dry pipe, Pre-action, and Deluge are four types of fire sprinkler systems. Each of these systems helps prevent flames from spreading and reduces fire damage. The main difference between these types of fire sprinkler systems is their applications and how they activate.

Clean Agent System Clean Agent System
Fire Hose Reel System

Fire Hose Reel System

Fire hose reels are located to provide a reasonably accessible and controlled supply of water to combat a potential fire risk. They are ideal for large high-risk environments such as schools, hotels, factories etc.

Fire Hydrant System

It is designed to provide rapid access to water if a fire breaks out. Fire hydrant installation consists of a system of pipe work connected directly to the water supply main to provide water to every hydrant outlet and is intended to provide water for the firemen to fight a fire.

Fire Hydrant System